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Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers

One-stop centers that provide an array of employment and training services in a convenient, easily accessible location.

Job-Finding Assistance

Programs that help people identify and secure paid employment opportunities that match their aptitude, qualifications, experience and interests.

Training and Employment Programs

Programs that provide job development, job training, job search, job placement, specialized job situations and other supportive services for individuals and groups who are having difficulty finding paid employment. These programs especially target people who have minimal job skills, veterans, older workers, youth, ex-offenders, public assistance recipients, refugees/immigrants, members of minority groups and others who are vocationally disadvantaged. Included are government-subsidized programs and those offered through the private sector.

Vocational Rehabilitation

Programs that enable individuals with disabilities, or people who have emotional problems to obtain the training and employment experiences they need to achieve economic self-sufficiency. Services may include vocational evaluation, work adjustment, work experience, training in marketable skills and placement in competitive employment or a sheltered work environment.