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Gambling Self Exclusion Programs

Taxonomy Code: DF-8000.3010

Programs that provide a way for people to voluntarily ban themselves from a casino, other gambling establishments and online gambling and betting sites in order to deal with gambling problems. The programs may be mandated by the government or voluntarily established by casinos and other gaming operators. The casino agrees to remove the self-excluded person from its direct mail lists and to revoke privileges for casino services such as casino-issued markers, player club/card privileges and on-site check-cashing. Self-exclusion programs vary widely in terms of their administration and the number of years a person remains on the self-exclusion list once signed on to the program (many require a lifetime ban); and under most agreements, the individual risks trespassing charges if she or he attempts to return to the casino and forfeits any winnings. In addition to casinos, many racetracks and even a few state lotteries may offer self-exclusion programs in which anyone can enroll. Online betting and gambling sites also have arrangements for self exclusion which can be short-term cooling off periods set by the player for seven days to several months or longer, or permanent arrangements. Once a player permanently excludes him or herself, the ban is irrevocable, players are not allowed to open a new account or change a 3 month ban to a 7 day ban. Many online gaming operations host a number of different platforms, so self-exclusion from one platform will generally carry over to all other platforms. During the time a player is self excluded, their player account is also frozen, so they are not eligible to make any withdrawals. Once their chosen cooling off period is completed, their account is reinstated and they can either resume gameplay or they can cash out their account entirely. In some juristictions, players who are self-excluded from casino play are automatically excluded from online play.

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