
Service Tree

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Higher Education Bridge Programs

Taxonomy Code: HL-2500.3000

Programs that provide assistance and support for individuals entering college with the objective of improving retention and ensuring that they have an equal footing with other students. The programs are offered by community colleges, four year colleges and universities and other educational institutions; are often available during the summer; may target minority students, international students, non-English speaking students, first generation students, gifted students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, students with disabilities and other non-traditional groups; and may offer academic support (such as writing, mathematics and reading), provide information about study skills (such as time management, individual learning style, study strategies, and expectations for college work), include discussions of campus life and/or offer career counseling. Some programs focus on preparation within specific major fields of study (e.g., science or math), have a parent involvement component, provide opportunities for community service or introduce new students to potential mentors. Many institutions offer more than one bridge program, accommodating the unique needs of their student population.

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