
Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Hearing Augmentation Aids

Programs that pay for or provide equipment or other products which enhance the residual hearing of people who have hearing impairments or which provide alternative methods of communication for people who have no residual hearing.

Specialized Telecommunications Equipment

Programs that pay for or provide access to TTY equipment (also known as text telephones, TDDs and telecommunication devices for the deaf), or other specialized telecommunications devices such as voice carry-over telephones, amplified telephones, telebraillers, voice-activated telephones, captioned telephone, sip-n-puff telephones or large visual displays for use at home or in the office by people who are deaf or hearing impaired, have speech disabilities or physical limitations, or need to communicate with a person with a hearing impairment or speech disability. Included are programs that pay for or loan such equipment to people with disabilities or organizations serving them, or which operate sites where such equipment is available for use by the public.

Visual/Reading Aids

Programs that pay for or provide equipment or other products which enhance the ability of people who have visual impairments or other disabilities to see and/or read; or which make television programs, feature films, home videos and other visual media accessible by providing a descriptive narration of key visual elements in these programs.
