
Service Tree

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Veterinary Telemedicine

Taxonomy Code: PD-9000.9520

Veterinary clinics that use video conferencing, mobile apps or other telecommunication options to deliver health information, education or care for animals remotely. The appropriate application of telemedicine can enhance animal care by facilitating communication, diagnostics, treatments, client education, scheduling and other tasks. The telehealth scenarios that veteranarians see most frequently and those with greatest success include post-operative follow-up, dermatologic concerns, behavioral issues/training, transportation issues, hospice care, basic triage (whether the pet should be seen by the veterinarian), environmental hazards that might contribute to a particular condition and long term care monitoring. Practitioners must comply with laws and regulations in the state in which they are licensed to practice veterinary medicine. Telemedicine may only be conducted within an existing veterinarian-client-patient relationship, with the exception for advice given in an emergency care situation until a patient can be seen by or transported to a veterinarian.

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