
Service Tree

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Speedskating Competitions

Taxonomy Code: PL-8000.8000

Ice-skating competitions in which athletes compete in individual and team relay events for men and women over a variety of different distances, on oval, multi-lane tracks in indoor or outdoor ice skating rinks. There are three types of speed skating events: (1) long track events featuring two skaters (Olympic style) who compete in timed heats on a 400 meter or 333 meter track; (2) long track events featuring up to eight skaters (mass start or pack style) who compete in timed heats on a 400 meter or 333 meter track; and (3) short track, strategy events on 111 meter tracks which feature heats with four to six skaters who earn points according to their order of finish and are either eliminated or advance to the next round. Included are organizations that sponsor, organize, hold, promote, sell tickets to and publicize the events; provide information about competition schedules; and/or maintain information about current standings.

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