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Health Law
Taxonomy Code: FT-3250
Programs that provide assistance for clinics, hospitals, provider networks, health maintenance organizations, home health care organizations, imaging centers, nursing homes, pharmacies and other organizations in the health care industry in need of legal advice or representation regarding legislative and regulatory issues, patient/resident issues, staff issues, certificates of need, third party payments, alternative health care delivery systems, licensing and accreditation, institutional review, policy and procedure development and implementation, physician contracts and compensation, Medicare and Medicaid compliance, and medical ethics issues such as withholding or withdrawing medical treatment. Health lawyers also provide legal services for organizations confronted with a health-related investigation or litigation; and offer support regarding a wide variety of operational issues such as medical records systems, HIPAA compliance, patient confidentiality, informed consent, physician recruitment, quality of care and utilization management. Some lawyers in this area may also represent patients.
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