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ASVAB Test Sites

Taxonomy Code: HL-2000.0650

Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS) and satellite locations known as Military Entrance Test (MET) sites that administer the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, a timed, multi-aptitude test developed by the Department of Defense that is used to determine qualification for enlistment in the United States Armed Forces. Scores in four critical areas (Arithmetic Reasoning, Work Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension and Mathematics Knowledge) count towards a person;s Armed Forces Qualifying Test (AFQT) score which determines whether the individual is qualified to enlist. Scores in the other areas of the ASVAB determine how qualified they are for certain occupational specialties and enlistment bonuses. The test is typically administered in a computerized format at MEPS, while a written version is given at most MET sites. Testing procedures vary depending on the mode of administration. There is also a student testing program, known as the ASVAB Career Exploration Program (CEP), which is used for career exploration and is given in high schools and community colleges, at job corps centers and at correctional facilities

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